
Dust of Her Feet, Vol. 2

Since 1968, Swami Paramatmananda Puri has lived the life of a renunciate in India, having moved there at the age of nineteen, to imbibe the spiritual essence of that great and ancient culture. It has been his good fortune to have kept the company of many saints and sages over the years, culminating in his meeting with his Guru, Mata Amritanandamayi, in 1979. When Swami first met Amma, he asked her how he should continue his sadhana. Amma's reply: "Become like the dust under everyone's feet." This is how this book's title came about. As one of her senior disciples, he was eventually asked to return to the U.S. to serve as head of the first ashram in the West, the Mata Amritanandamayi Center in California, where he remained in residence from 1990 until 2001. Many residents and visitors to the Center still remember that one of the high points there was Swami's talks, which encompassed his experiences in India, his understanding of Amma's teachings, scriptural texts, and his life on the spiritual path. With wit and humor, he has synthesized East and West and created a forum for spiritual learning for people from all walks of life. Although Swami has not given any public talks since his return to India in 2001, many recordings of his satsangs have not yet been published. This book is an effort to share some of that material as well as some of his written articles after returning to India.

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